Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog 12

This blog is about podcasting, which I've just learned about, which I think could be a very interesting and useful tool in our library. We could podcast our rhymetime session and storytime session, school holiday activities, also our authors that come and give a talk about their latest books, the list could go on and on. I really enjoyed Virtual Dave's The Librarians Militant, The Librarians Triumphant, it was very funny and very real. I have subscibed to iLibrarian as it seems like it is a good place to start, learning about podcasting etc. It would be great to have a podcast on what our library users thought about their local library.

1 comment:

  1. Thats an interesting idea podcasting storytime and rhyme time sessions - you could also put the craft activity online to suppliment it if you wanted
