Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog four

Finally learnt what a wiki is!! Almost my elusive eureka moment I'm searching for.  Checked out some of the wiki's suggested and really liked the idea of having the job instruction guides (JIG's) on a wiki, as these can be updated so much more easily. Working through this course is introducing me to alot of new words of which some are really silly, who came up with the word wiki, I guess I shall google (another stupid word) it. I just googled it and now know that wiki is a Hawaiian word for 'fast'.
I set up my own wiki called Tragic Docker Fan, which everyone knows that i am.


  1. I like the idea of JIGs on a wikki also - but you also need to keep the history of a JIG, so at need you can see how it used to be done....

  2. A staff wiki would be very useful. As a collective library staff have so much knowledge to share that will make day to day processes so much simpler, we simply don't have the format to capitalise on the knowledge.
    The JIGS are a great example. Superseded JIGS are ephemeral. They have no historical value and have the capacity to cause confusion if not managed effectively.
