Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog number three

Well, I've just completed week four and have an understanding of RSS feeds and have subscribed to some feeds successfully.  I did find it all very confusing, however I will soldier on and hopefully it will all magically fall into place and I will have a eureka moment, here's hoping.


  1. The thing is you have to keep going back to it and doing more or it will be shelved in the wrong section and end up on the missing list.

  2. I agree with Tahlula, my Wiki thingy has gone on the missing list as I got distracted whilst setting it up and oops! I lost it.

    The question is have I or hav,nt I, we shall see.

  3. I felt this way about loading images from Flickr, no matter how many times I tried and had help, I still couldn't load up the images and had to add the links. Some parts of the course have clicked easier than others.

  4. Sounds as if you are trying hard - keep up the good work.

  5. Well, that makes me feel better. I applied to become a writer in the Web 2.0 Wiki, wrote a piece and can't find the comment anywhere! I know it's hiding in there somewhere! Or maybe it is lost ...

  6. I found RSS feeds quite confusing too.

  7. I had never used RSS feeds before and the process was at times a bit confusing but it seems to be a matter of practice and the familiarity it brings. And now it seems like I might even use them after the course is over!
